Methods of Modifying Webmail Title and Logo

2013/08/24 11:57

Modify the Title

1) Open the "AAMail Installation Folder -> Web".

2) Open "global_define.asp" file Notepad.

3) Modify the "AAMail Server - Webmail" in "const IDS_Title = AAMail Server - Webmail" as you want.

If you are familiar with ASP and HTML, then you can modify more information on your Webmail page, but please note that when you upgrade AAMail, all the old Webmail pages/pictures will be overwritten by the new version, so you need to save the modified pages.

Modify Logo

1) Open the "AAMail\web\ images" folder.

2) In the images folder, you can replace those pictures.

Webmail login page

login_logo.gif: The logo of Webmail login interface.

login_bg.jpg: The background image of Webmail login interface.

Webmail Home Page

main_bg.jpg: The banner of Webmail main interface.

main_logo.gif: The banner logo of Webmail main interface.

Please note whether the pictures' size and format are the same with the original pictures.
