Modify the Webmail Address of Mail Server

2015/04/02 14:34

1. How to Remove "/mail"

If you don't want to use the Webmail address like "", but still hope to use "", then you only need to change the IIS folder from "c:\Inetpub\wwwroot" to "c:\AAMail\web". More details, please refer to How to Change Webmail URL.

We will introduce how to remove the "/mail" in the environment of Windows 2003 and Windows 2008.

2. Modify the Webmail Address in Windows 2003 Environment

1) Click the "Tool -> Go to IIS " to open IIS Manager (Install IIS 6.0).

2) Right click the "Default Web Site" and select "Properties" (Figure 1-1).

Default Web Site

Figure 1-1

3) In the pop up "Default Web Site Properties" dialog box, click the "Home Directory" tab, and then click the "Browse..." button (Figure 1-2).

Home Directory

Figure 1-2

4) Expand the "AAMail" node and then expand the "web" node (Figure 1-3).

Browse for Fodlers

Figure 1-3

5) Pay attention to check whether the "Application name" has been selected. Click the "Executive permissions" combo box, and select "Scripts and Executables", then click the "OK" button (Figure 1-4).

Application Settings

Figure 1-4

After the above steps, you can modify the Webmail address in Windows 2003 environment.

3. Modify the Webmail Address in Windows 2008 Environment

1) Open the Windows IIS Manager (Install IIS 7), select the "Default Web Site", and then click the "Basic Settings..." (Figure 1-5).

Basic Settings

Figure 1-5

2) Modify the "Physical path" from the original "C:\inetpub\wwwroot" to the AAMail "web" physical directory, such as "C:\AAMail\web". Then click the "OK" button to complete the settings (Figure 1-6).

Edit Site

Figure 1-6

After the above steps, you can modify the Webmail address in Windows 2008 environment.
