Method of Checking Mails on Server
The steps about how to check mails and attachments on the server without using Webmail, Outlook and other tools are as follows.
1) Open the "C:\AAMail\data\mail" folder. In "mail" folder, the "000000-999999" folders are used to store mails and attachments of the accounts.
Figure 1-1
2) Double click "0000001" folder (we take "0000001" folder for example). The ".txt" files are mail files, and the ".dat" files are attachment files.
Figure 1-2
3) Copy the file and then open it (such as "2002030400000004.txt") (in order to avoid damaging the original file). Delete the top two blank lines. Finally, save the file.
Figure 1-3
4) Modify the "2002030400000004.txt" file format to ".eml".
Figure 1-4
5) Double click "2002030400000004.eml" file, and then you can see the mail and attachment.
Figure 1-5