Checking IIS Installation

2014/07/24 18:40

If you want to use AAMail's Webmail, then you need to install Windows IIS first. If you don't install IIS, you cannot use the Webmail to receive and send the emails successfully. Normally, IIS is installed by default on Windows 2003. If it isn't, please refer to "Install Windows IIS".

How to Check IIS Installation

Click the "Start" button, and then click "Administrator Tools". If you can see "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" here, then it proves that the IIS has been installed. Click the "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" and it will open the "Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager" (Figure 1-1).

Check IIS

Figure 1-1

Note: During the processes of installing IIS, please do not select the "SMTP Server" in the "Web Services" check box. If you selected "SMTP Server", it will cause the conflict of Port 25, and then, you can not send the emails.
