What If I Forgot the Admin Password

2014/07/09 11:38

AAMail 5.0

If you are using AAMail 5.0, the solutions for forgetting the admin password are as follows.

1) In the "AAMail\data" folder, open the "mailserver.ini" file.

2) Delete the characters after "AdminPassword=", and then save the "mailserver.ini" file.

Before deleting (Figure 1-1).

Before Deleting

Figure 1-1

After deleted (Figure 1-2).

After Deleted

Figure 1-2

3) After restarting AAMail, the admin password was cleared and blank. If you need to reset the admin password, please refer to the "Admin Password".

AAMail4.x previous version

If your AAMail version is earlier than 4.x, the solutions for forgetting the admin password are as follows.

1) Open the SQL Server Management Studio Express.

2) In the SQL Server Management Studio Express, enter a statement: "update systemini set paramvalue='' where paramno=106".

3) After successfully executed, you can clear the admin password, and then it will be blank.
