Database Settings

2014/07/08 17:41

1. Database Settings

AAMail mail server is based on database. On the menu bar, click the "Settings -> Database settings", and then you will see the current database settings here.

2. Access Database

If you have chosen the Microsoft Access Database, then, on the menu bar, click the "Settings -> Database settings", you will see the Access databases settings here. Because the Access database has many volume limitation problems, we have done some special processings on AAMail. For example, Access database has created individual mail database for every account.

Access database will become unstable if it runs for a long time. Normally, we recommend that you compact the database once a week to ensure that the Access database is running stably. On the menu bar, click the "Tool -> Compact database" (Figure 1-1).

Access Databases

Figure 1-1

3. SQL Server Database

If your database is SQL Server Database, then, on the menu bar, click the "Settings -> Database settings", you will see the connection parameters of SQL Server database. You can modify the SQL Server connection parameters here. After the modification, please restart AAMail mail server (Figure 1-2).

Database Settings

Figure 1-2

1) Data Source: Data source corresponds to the "(local)" in database, and please choose the data source according to your actual situation (Figure 1-3).

SQL Server Management Studio

Figure 1-3

2) SQL Server service: In the "Services" window, double click "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER)" (Figure 1-4).


Figure 1-4

In the pop up "SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) Properties" dialog box, you can check the Service name here (Figure 1-5).

SQL Server Properties

Figure 1-5

3) Database Name: The database name of AAMail 5.0 is "sqlmail", and AAMail 4.26 has two database names, they are, "SQLLdapInfo" and "SQLLdapInfo".

4) Authentication: It corresponds to the authentication of SQL Server account.

5) Login Account: The account used to login SQL Server.

6) Login password: The password used to login SQL Server.

AAMail mail server supports Access and SQL Server databases (No requirement for SQL Server version). For details about how to choose Access and SQL Server database, please refer to "AAMail Database".
